Time in EST |
Plenary -- Zoom Link 1 |
Breakout -- Zoom Link 2 |
Presentations in Shared Task Track |
8:45 |
Workshop Start |
8.45-9:00 |
Introduction to SDP |
9:00-9:15 |
Teaser for Shared Tasks (5 mins each) |
Shared Task: 9:15-10:40 |
9:15 - 10:35 |
Research Track: Session 1 COVID-19 Document Processing |
Shared Task 1: 9:15-9:55 |
9:15-9:27 |
CL-SciSumm (Task 1a): Chai et al., NLP-PINGAN-TECH @ CL-SciSumm 2020 |
9:15-9:35 |
Wu et al., Acknowledgement Entity Recognition in CORD-19 Papers |
9:28-9:40 |
LaySumm 2: Yu et al., Dimsum @LaySumm 20 |
9:35-9:55 |
Bhambhoria et al., A Smart System to Generate and Validate Question Answer Pairs for COVID-19 Literature. |
9:40-9:55 |
LaySumm 3 & LongSumm 2: Ghosh Roy et al., Summaformers @ LaySumm 20, LongSumm 20 |
9:55-10:15 |
Zhang et al., Covidex: Neural Ranking Models and Keyword Search Infrastructure for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset. |
Shared Task 2: 9:55-10:40 |
9:55-10:10 |
Li et al., CIST@CL-SciSumm 2020, LongSumm 2020: Automatic Scientific Document Summarization |
10:15-10:35 |
Satish et al., The Impact of Preprint Servers in the Formation of Novel Ideas. |
10:10-10:25 |
LongSumm 3 & CL-SciSumm (Task 2): Reddy et al., IIITBH-IITP@CL-SciSumm20, CL-LaySumm20, LongSumm20 |
10:25-10:40 |
Gidiotis et al., AUTH @ CLSciSumm 20, LaySumm 20, LongSumm 20 |
10:40-11:25 |
Keynote 1: Kuansan Wang
Mitigating Scholarly Corpus Biases with Citations: A Case Study on CORD-19 |
11:25-11:50 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Research Track: Session 2 SDP Mixed Session |
Shared Task Track Continues |
11:50-12:10 |
Berger et al., Effective Distributed Representations for Academic Expert Search. |
Shared Task 3: 11:50 - 12:50 |
11:50 - 12:05 |
CL-SciSumm (Task 1a): Aumiller et al., UniHD@CL-SciSumm 2020: Citation Extraction as Search |
12:10-12:30 |
Kim et al., Learning CNF Blocking for Large-scale Author Name Disambiguation. |
12:05 - 12:17 |
LaySumm 1: Seungwon Kim, Using Pre-Trained Transformer for Better Lay Summarization |
12:30-12:50 |
Müller et al., Reconstructing Manual Information Extraction with DB-to-Document Backprojection: Experiments in the Life Science Domain. |
12:17 - 12:29 |
LongSumm 1: Gharebagh et al., GUIR @ LongSumm 2020: Learning to Generate Long Summaries from Scientific Documents |
12:30 - 12:42 |
Umapathy et al., CiteQA@CLSciSumm 2020 |
12:42 - 12:50 |
Poster Session Announcement |
12:50-13:30 |
Poster Pitches (Research Track) |
Poster Track |
11 Posters + 2 Demo Presentations |
Posters: Gather Town Room N |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Break |
Posters: Gather Town Room N |
Research Track: Session 3: Short papers and Findings |
14:00-14:10 |
Ling & Chen, DeepPaperComposer: A Simple Solution for Training Data Preparation for Parsing Research Papers
14:00-14:50 |
Shared Task Poster Presentations at Gather Town in Room N and Room A |
14:10 - 14:20 |
Medic & Snajder, Improved Local Citation Recommendation Based on Context Enhanced with Global Information |
14:20-14:30 |
Cao et al., Will This Idea Spread Beyond Academia? Understanding Knowledge
Transfer of Scientific Concepts across Text Corpora (Findings of EMNLP) |
14:30-14:40 |
Subramanian et al., MedICaT: A Dataset of Medical Images, Captions, and Textual References (Findings of EMNLP) |
14:40 -14:50 |
Noh et al., Literature Retrieval for Precision Medicine with Neural Matching and Faceted Summarization (Findings of EMNLP)
14:50- 15:20 |
Overview of Results of the Shared Tasks |
15:20 -15:30 |
Break |
15:30 -16:15 |
Keynote 2: Steinn Sigurdsson
The Future of ArXiv and Knowledge Discovery in Open Science |
16:15 - 17:00 |
Plenary Regroup & Panel (OC + Keynote Speakers) |
17:00 |
Close |