Organizing Committee

Thomas Potok

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Thomas E. Potok leads the Computational Data Analytics Research Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and serves as principal investigator on several projects. Dr. Potok is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Tennessee and a member of the ACM and IEEE Computer Society.

potokte "at"

Thomas E. Potok

Catherine Schuman

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Catherine D. Schuman is a Liane Russell Distinguished Post-Doctoral Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Her research focus is neuromorphic computing. Dr. Schuman is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Tennessee and a member of the ACM and IEEE.

schumancd "at"

Catherine D. Schuman

Robert Patton

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Robert M. Patton is a computational analytics scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research is focused on nature-­‐inspired computational techniques for large‐scale data analytics. He is a member of IEEE’s CI Society and ACM’s SIGEVO.

pattonrm "at"

Robert M. Patton

Todd Hylton

University of California at San Diego

Dr. Todd Hylton is the Executive Director of the Contextual Robotics Institute and a Professor of Practice in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California at San Diego. Hylton most recently served as executive vice president of strategy and research at Brain Corporation, a San Diego-based robotics startup. Prior to Brain Corp., Hylton launched a series of successful projects as a program manager at DARPA, including a multi-million dollar effort to develop a chip inspired by the function of biological nervous systems. He launched DARPA’s SyNAPSE program in 2007, which developed a chip whose architecture is inspired by the brain. Hylton also managed the Nano Air Vehicle program at DARPA.

thylton "at"

Todd Hylton

Helen Li

Duke University

Dr. Hai (Helen) Li is a Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. Her research interests are memory design and architecture, neuromorphic architecture for brain-inspired computing systems, and architecture/circuit/device co-optimization for low-power and high performance. "at"

Hai (Helen) Li

Yiran Chen

Duke University

Dr. Yiran Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. His research interests are nonvolatile memory and storage systems, neuromorphic computing, and mobile applications.

yiran.chen "at"

Yiran Chen

Garrett Rose

University of Tennessee

Dr. Garrett Rose is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee. His research interests are nanoelectronic circuit design, neuromorphic computing and hardware security.

garose "at"

Garrett Rose

Robinson Pino

DOE Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Dr. Robinson E. Pino is a Computer Scientist and Program Manager for the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program office in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science. In his portfolio, Dr. Pino focuses on revolutionary basic research and development efforts for high performance computing and applications that will enable our continued leadership through exascale and beyond computing and energy efficient technologies.

Robinson.Pino "at"

Robinson E. Pino