Apply for EMNLP 2020 Diversity and Inclusion subsidy if you require financial assistance to attend.
Sep 30: Our research track Accepted papers are announced!
EMNLP 2020 Registration is now open! Kindly register to attend SDP on Nov 19. Early Bird Registration ends on October 30.
Jun 30: The Test Set for the Shared Tasks would now be released on July 15, 2020
May 18: Second keynote announced
We are delighted to announce that Steinn SigurĂ°sson, Scientific Director of arXiv and Professor in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at The Pennsylvania State University, will give a keynote presentation at the workshop!
May 8: New Dates Announced!
Paper Submission Deadline is now August 15, 2020!
April 8: COVID-19 Update!
First SDP will now be a virtual event following on EMNLP 2020's decision to go completely online.
March 31
Submission site is now available.
March 3
First Call for Papers for our research track and our shared task track is out.