Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Iana Atanassova is associate professor at the Research Centre Lucien Tesnière for Linguistics and Natural Language Processing at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comte in France. In 2015 she completed her Habilitation to Direct Research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in Natural Language Processing titled "Analysis of Scientific Discourse: Applications in Information Retrieval, Information Extraction and Semantic Web". Her research interests cover various aspects of information extraction and semantic information retrieval of scientific papers, semantic annotation using knowledge-based methods and multi-lingual text processing.
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Joeran Beel is a postdoctoral researcher at the NII in Tokyo. From December 2016 on he will be Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems at Trinity College Dublin and member of the ADAPT Center. Joeran is the founder of the reference manager Docear and the digital library Mr. DLib. His research focuses on recommender systems: recommendations as a service, recommender-system evaluation, and user modelling in the domain of digital libraries.
University of Toulouse, France
Marc Bertin is currently an assistant professor at the University of Toulouse. He is also associated with CIRST laboratory at the Université du Québec à Montréal. He has a PhD in Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Humanities with a speciality in natural language processing from Paris-Sorbonne University. He is a regular programme committee member for international workshops and conferences, reviewer for several journals and expert for the National Agency for Research which is a French institution tasked with funding scientific research. His research interests include citation analysis, rhetorical structure of scientific articles and their applications to the field of Informetrics and Bibliometrics.
University of Maryland, USA
Tanmoy Chakraborty is a postdoctoral fellow at Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, USA since Jan 2016. Prior to this, he completed his PhD as a Google India PhD fellow from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India in 2015. His broad research interests include data mining, social media, natural language processing and machine learning.
Alan Turing Institute, UK
Daniel Duma is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh since 2013, currently based at the Alan Turing Institute. His current research interests are applying natural language processing and machine learning techniques to document recommendation for scientific authoring, using an information retrieval approach. Prior to this, he completed his MSc in Natural Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh, with a dissertation on natural language generation for the Semantic Web.
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Richard Eckart de Castilho (UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany) is leading the interoperability work package of the OpenMinTeD project and is a member of the Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences (CEDIFOR). He a project lead on open source projects such as DKPro Core (automatic linguistic preprocessing) and WebAnno (annotation tool). His interests are infrastructures and tools for language processing, open source software, and interoperability.
Penn State University, USA
Dr. C. Lee Giles is the David Reese Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University with appointments in the departments of Computer Science and Engineering, and Supply Chain and Information Systems. His research interests are in intelligent cyberinfrastructure and big data, web tools, specialty search engines, information retrieval, digital libraries, web services, knowledge and information extraction, data mining, entity disambiguation, and social networks. He has published nearly 400 papers in these areas with over 24,000 citations and an h-index of 73 according to Google Scholar. He was a cocreator of the popular search engine CiteSeer (now CiteSeerX) and related scholarly search engines. He is a fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and INNS.
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Mendeley Ltd., UK
Kris Jack (mr⟨first name⟩⟨last name⟩@gmail.com) is the Chief Data Scientist at Mendeley and Head of Data Science in the RELX group. He’s passionate about making software that helps people to understand and communicate complex information as well as make new discoveries. His main research interests lie in the fields of Recommendation Systems, Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. He’s also passionate about transforming technology into useful products for real users and the team dynamics involved in getting stuff done.
Graz University of Technology, Austria
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Aalborg University, Denmark
Birger Larsen in professor in Information Retrieval and Information Analytics at the Department of Communication, Aalborg University Copenhagen. He has a passion for research that involves the activities, processes and experiences arising in the meeting between users, information, and information systems in a given context - with the goal of optimising these to empower users in their task and problem solving. His research interests include domain specific and academic search, citation analysis for retrieval as well as Informetrics/Bibliometrics, citation analysis and quantitative research evaluation.
Paolo Manghi is a (PhD) Researcher in computer science at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), in Pisa, Italy. He is acting as technical manager and researcher for the EU-H2020 infrastructure projects OpenAIRE2020, SoBigData.eu, PARTHENOS, RDA Europe, and EAGLE. He is active member of a number of Data Citation and Data Publishing Working groups of the Research Data Alliance; invited member of the advisory boards of the Research Object initiative (Carole Goble, University of Manchester); and organisers of several international conferences and workshops in his areas of interest. His research is today on data e-infrastructures for science, scholarly communication infrastructures, and publishing/interlinking of data and experiments, with a focus on technologies supporting open science and digital scholarly communication, i.e. reusing, sharing, assessing all research products, be them articles, datasets or experiments.
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Bruno Martins is an assistant professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of IST and a researcher at the Information and Decision Support Systems Lab of INESC-ID, where he works on problems related to the general areas of information retrieval, text mining, and the geographical information sciences.
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Peter Mutschke is acting head of the GESIS department “Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences” (WTS) since March 2010. His research interests include Information Retrieval, Network Analysis and Science 2.0. He worked in a number of national and international research projects such as the DFG-funded project "Value-Added Services for Information Retrieval" (IRM) and the EU-funded project “Where eGovernment meets the eSociety” (WeGov). Currently, he is involved in the EU projects „Data Insights for Policy Makers & Citizens“ (SENSE4US), "Open Mining Infrastructure for Text and Data" (OpenMinTeD) and "TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership Innovation" (MOVING) as well as in major national und European research networks such as the COST action “Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes” (KNOWeSCAPE) and the research alliance “Science 2.0” of the German Leibniz Association. For both research networks Peter Mutschke serves as a member of the management committee.
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Francesco Osborne is a research associate at the Knowledge Media institute. His research focuses on Semantic Web, Information Extraction, Semantic Publishing, and Human Computer Interaction. He collaborates with major international publishers to develop semantic based solutions for classifying and analysing scientific publications and is the main developer of Rexplore, a novel system for exploring scholarly data.
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Christopher Stahl graduated from Florida Southern College with a Bachelor of Science in 2011 and has been working with the Computational Data Analytics group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ever since. He currently is a Data Analytics Software Engineer who works on multiple projects with a focus on data mining, data analytics, and knowledge discovery.
ICM University of Warsaw, Poland
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Mike Thelwall is a professor at the University of Wolverhampton and the author of the multilingual sentiment strength detection software SentiStrength. He also investigates scientometrics and develops web indicators for research evaluation.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK
Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Dr Ziqi Zhang is a lecturer of Computer Science at the Nottingham Trent University, UK. He carries out research in the area of the Semantic Web, Information Extraction and Natural Language Processing.