Our keynote speakers will highlight significant research and challenges in machine learning and HPC.
This workshop will feature presentations on accepted papers along with keynote speakers.
The workshop will be held in conjunction with SC19: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis located in Denver, CO on November 11 - 16. The intent of this workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and scientific communities to discuss methods that utilize extreme scale systems for machine learning. This workshop will focus on the greatest challenges in utilizing HPC for machine learning and methods for exploiting data parallelism, model parallelism, ensembles, and parameter search. We invite researchers and practitioners to participate in this workshop to discuss the challenges in using HPC for machine learning and to share the wide range of applications that would benefit from HPC powered machine learning.
6th workshop will be held in conjunction with SC20: https://ornlcda.github.io/MLHPC2020/
Mark your calendars for these dates!
August 17, 2019September 3, 2019
Submission of workshop papers
September 20, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance
September 27, 2019
Camera-ready submission of accepted papers
November 17-18, 2019